Welcome! This is the personal blog for the team that makes up the non-profit organization, Love for the Sake of Love. Here, we'll update you on the work we're doing, what is going on with each of us personally, and some of our random thoughts on life. We hope that this blog will give you some insight on each of us and the things we're doing at Love for the Sake of Love. Please choose a category below to get started.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Whats in your day?

Dynamics. Erin. Somewhere between the travel hair straightener and the fact that now when we do laundry there are articles that have to be hung indoors we have now completed the team. It has been a breath of fresh air and i think i can speak for Ben also when i say that it has been such a blessing having her along. If you have been reading some of her posts then you should be clued into a little of where we are, nowhere near anything. Well tomorrow is her last day here and we are going to miss her when she has to leave, but first we are going to hit up a safari and Wycliffe conference in Malindi, Kenya. 
Can you heal? Like i said we have been reading acts and i have enjoyed it a lot. Remembering that faith has to do with the holy spirit and that means we have been given power strait from the hand of God. In the beginning i read the passage about peter, when they were entering the temple and a beggar asked them for money. ”Look at us! “The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting some money. But Peter said, “I dont have any silver or gold for you. But i’ll give you what i have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!”- 3:4-6 Being asked for money daily in Kampala by all kinds of people it made me think why not heal? It has been a challenge for me to make sure that Ben and i are sharpening each other as men of God, but this was definitely something that was prying at both of our hearts. On the way to Stakwell’s we stopped in Nairobi just long enough to pick up erin, one day. A man approached me with a cast on his leg and held out his hand. If God comes to us as strangers to see if we are actually trying any of the crazy things he lays on our hearts this guy would be number one proof.  So i stopped buying phone airtime for long enough to lay hands on the man and pray for his leg to heal. I truly believed that we was just going to walk away with a smile on his face. But no, he still had a face that was torn with pain and now some confusion. But i look back on it and im somewhat glad that he didnt walk away, i dont know if my pride can handle knowing that God actually healed someone through me. But i do still believe that the prayer did something just maybe he had to walk a few blocks to figure out that his foot didnt hurt any more. Either way im not done trying. There is a little boy here at Stakwell’s named Sawilli he was thrown out of his home as a kid because he couldnt walk, he was seen as a cursed child. Stakwell took him in as his own son and got him some crutches that allow him to get around. I have been thinking about him alot and praying for him. How cool would it be to heal the Lords child. Ill let you know what happens. 
What do i do in a day here? Who knows. Some days we work on wiring the rest of the complex with electricity, others working on cars, but more often driving plays a factor. They have two land rovers here that they use to run food and water to nearby villages who were just recently enemy tribes but the Lord led Stakwell to take them food and he obeyed. The first time he drove up with a truck full of food. The people came running out with tears in their eyes and all they could say is “what took you so long.” So now they have me drive the land rover out there to deliver water and other things. Its pretty much in the middle of the dryest land i have ever seen. And they are more than cliche tribal people, piercings, paint, and sometimes no clothes. One time after we arrived and unloaded the 1 and half tons of food, that was labeled US Aid From the American People, i jumped in shotgun and we headed up a near by hill to go get some diesel. About halfway up i turned around and had a bit of a realization. The car was filled with the driver Timothy (2 wife tim hes like 54 looks older though) me riding shotgun holding an AK 47 stakwell told me to hold on to it for him and then in the back were 4 other tribal guys decked out with AKs and other gear. Either way i was totally down with it. Just needed to take a minute and take it all in. Ill tell you what though if you had told me a few years ago that one day i would be driving Land rovers in africa to tribal villages i would probably have to change my underwear with excitement. 
Tomorrow im driving a team and some water out to the Turkana tribes. And then trying to put back together a Range Rover that someone took apart most everything including taking out the engine just to find that it needed a new clutch, welcome to Africa. O ps im using a south african accent for the next few days were trying to see how long we can fool this team. Kinda fun to be honest.  Ill keep in touch. Would love any feedback or just say hey. 
L4L Africa Team.

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