Welcome! This is the personal blog for the team that makes up the non-profit organization, Love for the Sake of Love. Here, we'll update you on the work we're doing, what is going on with each of us personally, and some of our random thoughts on life. We hope that this blog will give you some insight on each of us and the things we're doing at Love for the Sake of Love. Please choose a category below to get started.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Random Stuff

A few random things we have noticed/have happened to us while here:
-There are stray goats everywhere.  We probably see close to a hundred each day.
-Our bota (motorized scooter) rides are never a set price, it is all negotiation with the driver.
-At the home we stayed at for about a week (where Jon and Jeremiah lived while in Kampala) there was a shower with the kind of nozzle that you hold in your hand.  But if someone turns on any other electrical appliance in the house while you are holding it it will send a pretty strong electrical current through the nozzle shocking your body until you put it down.  Certain times it would be worse than others and the bad ones usually resulted in a yell from whoever was taking the shower.
-All showers are cold
-street vendors cook on charcoal stoves
-People fully utilize the horn while driving
-The other day we ate sugarcane straight from the stalk (or cane?)  It looks kind of like bamboo and it was like biting into a piece of moist wood but tasted really sweet.
-Robin Hood is a good movie
-We will never take paved roads for granted
Thats all for now, hope things are going well in the states

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