Welcome! This is the personal blog for the team that makes up the non-profit organization, Love for the Sake of Love. Here, we'll update you on the work we're doing, what is going on with each of us personally, and some of our random thoughts on life. We hope that this blog will give you some insight on each of us and the things we're doing at Love for the Sake of Love. Please choose a category below to get started.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Youth Family Night at OV Methodist

On Friday, May 25th, the youth at Ocean View Methodist and their youth leader, Chevonne hosted a family night for the youth and their parents. There was a great turn-out! All of the youth girls were there and almost all of their parents or families were there. It was a fun night of games & great discussion. Sarah arranged for Nathan to come speak at the event. Nathan works for an organization in South Africa called Living Hope. This is a place that helps HIV/AIDS patients get the treatment and rehabilitation that they need. Nathan spoke to the parents about communication with their children and how it can make all the difference. He started out with a game like charades where he chose a mother, a father, a youth, and another person to come to the front and act out a movie or television show for the audience to try and guess. It was funny to watch the players try so hard to act out their show or movie! This was kind of an “ice-breaker” game and then Nathan gave his talk. He got suggestions from the audience about what parenting means to them. On a piece of paper, the audience came up with things like: teaching, responsibility, respect, being a role model, influencing, caring, nurturing, and many others. Nathan spoke about how body language is key and makes up about 55% of your communication with others. A parent could be saying one thing, but if their body language suggests another, then the child will probably not take what they say seriously. It is hard to communicate effectively if the parent is not making eye contact with their child. Nathan did a great job of conveying his message to the parents and youth. He ended the event with 2 other games to give examples on why communication is so important. Afterwards, everyone had refreshments and got to have some nice time of fellowship with one another. Family night was a success and I believe everyone benefitted from Nathan’s talk and from the activities.

Love & God bless,
Amanda Maddox

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