Welcome! This is the personal blog for the team that makes up the non-profit organization, Love for the Sake of Love. Here, we'll update you on the work we're doing, what is going on with each of us personally, and some of our random thoughts on life. We hope that this blog will give you some insight on each of us and the things we're doing at Love for the Sake of Love. Please choose a category below to get started.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

One road to redemption

      Andrew and I are now staying with a couple friends and the other day we got to thinking.  We began asking what are we doing here and what should be our ultimate purpose in Africa?  What do the people of Uganda need?  Is it money?  Is it better water? Is it better living conditions? 
     As we discussed these questions the answer always lead back to the need for the hope found in salvation offered by Jesus Christ.  Its truly as simple as that.
     We are here in Africa, in the heart of the slums, seeing poverty eveywhere.  Everyone needs money.  But we have come to the realization that it is not money that Africa needs.  Sure it may help.  At best it may increase the standard of living of a few.  But most often it becomes a sinkhole, where once you have it, you want more and more until it's draw becomes so strong that you are so dependent upon it that it becomes what you worship.
     This brings up the whole idea of humanitarian efforts with the aim of improving the health and conditions of the poor without offerring that eternal hope found in Jesus.  Say some organization comes in to some slum, builds every family a house, food and water, and puts a mercedes in the garage.  Is that redemption?  Does that lead to a hope for the people and a love for one another?      
     We, or at least I, was able to more fully realize the importance of the church and church planting where the gospel is brought to those who have not heard.  When I say church, I am not just referring to a building.  Im referring to a Christ-centered community, a network of people growing in faith and practicing the gospel.
   That is what Uganda needs.  That is why Dan's church plant here is so vital on the grand scheme of things.  Thats why we are happy to be assisting him in his ministry efforts.  He is working to build that christ-centered community that feeds the soul as well as the body.  Redemption is not something we can buy.  Jesus already paid for it.  Its there for the taking.           
side note-the funnest things ive done so far have been free, thats got to mean something

1 comment:

  1. Heyy Ben!! I am praying for you!! You're the coolest big brother ever! Jenny must be proud! I love you to kenya and backk!!!! -Abbyyyyy

    hey ben! i think it is amazing what you are doin! God is doing great things you and your friend! Keep doing great things for the glory of Christ!--McKenzie

    Ben -
    I have been praying for you and you ministry. The Lord is using you in amazing way and its such a blessing to know that their are wonderful people like you doing Gods work. I will countinue to pray for your safety, and i hope that many people will be led to Christ through your wonderful example.
    Blessings, Micaela

    Hi Ben and Andrew! I miss youuuu!
    Love to you,
